This Saturday was a very special day in town. Every street was occupied by a hundred-man-marching-band. And they were all dressed in tuxedos. It was quite a sight. Well, later that day we ran into Jo (54), who works at the publishing company Bodoni. "I'm on my way to a party. We're celebrating the 150 year anniversary of Nygaard's Battalion at a pub."
The expression "marching band" was the best English one I could find for what we call "buekorps" in Norwegian. It's quite a Bergenesque phenomenon. They are...not bands. They march, but only use drums, and not trumpets and such.
The expression "marching band" was the best English one I could find for what we call "buekorps" in Norwegian. It's quite a Bergenesque phenomenon. They are...not bands. They march, but only use drums, and not trumpets and such.